Agriculture Program

High-efficiency agricultural equipment

The Agriculture Incentive Program is available to commercial and industrial retail service customers of FirstEnergy’s Pennsylvania utilities (Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power and West Penn Power). The program offers incentives and information to encourage participants to install high-efficiency agricultural equipment related to milking, cooling, ventilation and water systems on farms.

The project must be completed or installed on or after June 1, 2021, and no later than May 31, 2026. The rebate must be applied for no later than 180 days from the date of project completion, which is defined as all equipment being installed, operational and commissioned.

Eligible Measures and Incentives

Incentives available from the Agricultural Incentive Program are shown below. Only new equipment is eligible for incentives under the Agricultural Incentive Program.

  • Automatic milk takeoffs
  • Dairy scroll compressors
  • High-efficiency ventilation fans
  • High-volume, low-speed fans (HVLS)
  • Livestock waterers
  • Variable frequency drives on dairy vacuum pumps
  • Dairy parlor heat reclaimers
  • Low pressure irrigation systems
  • Agricultural Process lighting
  • Engine Block Heater timer

View Incentives


Effective Dates

To qualify for incentives through this Program, equipment must be new and installed after June 1, 2021, and on or before May 31, 2026.

Pre-Approval Requirements

Pre-approval is not required, but it is encouraged. The pre-approval process is the recommended way to ensure the proposed equipment meets program requirements and qualifies for incentives. If your project was completed or installed on June 1, 2021, or later and you did not obtain pre-approval, then you may apply for incentives no later than 180 days from the date of project completion (completion is defined as all equipment being installed and operable).



How do I Apply?

The participant may apply to the program by submitting an application via an Application pdf form or the online Application Portal.

Apply Now


Required Documents:

  1. Completed Agricultural calculator spreadsheet
  2. Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for the proposed equipment. Please highlight all relevant information such as the equipment efficiency ratings, model and wattage
  3. W-9 tax form for the incentive payee
  4. Copy of utility bill (within the past three months) to confirm account number and service address. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost and rate-related information
  5. A cost sheet estimate

What Happens Next? 

The Program Administrator will notify the applicant via email when the Application review is complete. If application is complete and meets program eligibility requirements, program applicant will receive an Offer Letter. If project application is incomplete or requires more information, Program Administrator will contact customer.

Once the project is complete, the participant should review the approved application for any changes to the project that occurred during installation and make any needed corrections or updates to project application and documentation. The following final documentation should be submitted to the Program Administrator for review:

  1. Detailed, itemized invoices or proofs of purchase for the equipment installed.
  2. Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for any additional equipment installed (if applicable).
  3. Completed letter of attestation.
  4. If applicable, customers who wish to issue all or a portion of their incentive to a 3rd party should complete a Third Party Incentive Payment form.

Upon receipt and verification of all required documentation, the incentive check will be processed and mailed to the applicant or to an authorized representative.

For more detailed, step-by-step information, please visit the Apply Now page. Or contact us at 844-323-6399 or

Have questions or want to learn more?

Please contact us at 844-323-6399 or We're here to help!

Franklin Energy is the designated program implementer for commercial and industrial energy efficiency programs for FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania electric companies. This website is maintained by Franklin Energy.

The costs of energy efficiency programs are recovered through customer rates in accordance with PA Act 129 of 2008. For a complete list of commercial, industrial, residential, and low-income energy efficiency programs, please visit

By participating in these energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs, customers agree to allow their utility to retain ownership of all Capacity Rights which refers to the demand reduction associated with any energy efficiency and peak demand reduction measure for which incentives were provided by the Company. Your utility will aggregate these energy efficiency demand reduction attributes into the PJM capacity market with proceeds being used to offset the program costs. PA customers who have existing contracts with third party demand response service providers that were executed before June 1, 2021 (i.e., the start of Phase IV of Act 129 EE&C), have the option of retaining the PJM capacity rights associated with EE&C projects when participating in FirstEnergy PA Act 129 energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs.

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