Businesses can receive rebates on energy-efficient equipment upgrades.
We can help offset the upfront costs of equipment enhancements with many of our rebates, helping you save energy and money.
Energy Savings For Your Business
Apply for Energy Efficiency Incentives
FirstEnergy’s Pennsylvania electric companies customers and third parties working on behalf of FirstEnergy’s Pennsylvania electric customers can apply for rebates, check the status of rebates, view rebate payment history and update rebate applications.
Incentives for All
A variety of programs are offered to commercial, industrial, governmental and institutional customers for many different industry sectors.
Program Ally Opportunities
We’re looking for qualified program allies to provide customers of FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania electric companies:
- Design and installation services
- A customized list of energy-saving recommendations
- Recommendations for energy efficiency upgrades to help customers lower energy use
Contact Us
Franklin Energy is the designated program implementer for commercial and industrial energy efficiency programs for FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania electric companies. This website is maintained by Franklin Energy.
The costs of energy efficiency programs are recovered through customer rates in accordance with PA Act 129 of 2008. For a complete list of commercial, industrial, residential, and low-income energy efficiency programs, please visit
By participating in these energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs, customers agree to allow their utility to retain ownership of all Capacity Rights which refers to the demand reduction associated with any energy efficiency and peak demand reduction measure for which incentives were provided by the Company. Your utility will aggregate these energy efficiency demand reduction attributes into the PJM capacity market with proceeds being used to offset the program costs. PA customers who have existing contracts with third party demand response service providers that were executed before June 1, 2021 (i.e., the start of Phase IV of Act 129 EE&C), have the option of retaining the PJM capacity rights associated with EE&C projects when participating in FirstEnergy PA Act 129 energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs.
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