Facility Audit Program

A detailed audit of industrial processes or systems

The Facility Audit Incentive Program is offered to commercial, industrial, governmental and institutional customers of FirstEnergy’s Pennsylvania utilities (Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power and West Penn Power). This program is intended to encourage customers to acquire a detailed audit of industrial processes or systems or detailed ASHRAE Level 2 third party energy audit for their buildings. The program provides financial support through incentives to customers who implement qualifying audit recommended energy efficiency prescriptive or custom measures.

To qualify for audit incentives, audits must have been completed after June 1, 2021, and after receiving a formal pre-approval letter from the Program Administrator.

Program Incentives

Incentives are paid for the installation of qualifying audit-recommended measures that are incented through FirstEnergy’s Pennsylvania utilities’ commercial and industrial (C&I) Energy Efficient Equipment Programs and not toward the actual cost of the audit.

Qualifying audit-recommended measures must be implemented within 18 months of completing the audit or before May 31, 2026.

Eligible participants will receive an incentive based on annual kWh saved, not to exceed 50 percent of the audit cost or $10,000, whichever is less, upon completion of the installation of qualifying audit recommended measures at the customers’ facility. (A facility is defined as the building or set of buildings at a single service address, regardless of the number of unique utility accounts associated with the address).

Audit Incentive payment will be a one-time payment made after the participant notifies the program that installation of qualified measure(s) is complete.

Should the participant not notify the program that recommended qualifying measure(s) were installed within 18 months of the Audit application submittal, the program will retire and close the application.



Effective Dates

To qualify for audit incentives, you must have received a pre-approval letter from the Program Administrator and have completed the audits after June 1, 2021.

All Facility Audit Incentive Program applications received by the program require pre-approval prior to the participant signing a contract with the audit service provider. Audits must be completed within three (3) months after receiving a formal pre-approval letter from the program.



Audits of a single industrial process or system are eligible but must involve the capture of data. Studies must be provided by individuals or firms that are capable, or qualified, of performing audits as per program guidelines.

Facility studies must be provided by individuals or firms that are capable of performing comprehensive energy (ASHRAE Level II) audits that meet the program guidelines. The Lead Auditor must show that he or she has at least one of the following certifications: Professional Engineer (PE), Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Association of Energy Engineers’ Certified Energy Auditor (CEA), or LEED AP.

A comprehensive facility energy audit will require that energy conservation measures (ECMs) from at least three major end use areas be evaluated. Note: studies involving single ECMs of non-industrial processes, will not be eligible for energy audit incentives (e.g., lighting contractors providing an energy audit as part of a lighting proposal).

Facility audits should be sufficiently detailed to meet ASHRAE Level II audit standard

Audits must be pre-approved; associated reports that do not meet program guidelines set forth in this application form or are deemed unacceptable by the program technical reviewers are not eligible for incentives.

Audits must be itemized and break out the electric component; disbursement of audit funds are for electric portion only.

How do I Apply?

The participant may apply to the program by submitting an application via an Application pdf form or the online Application Portal.

Apply Now


Required Documents:

  1. Audit proposal that describes the scope of the audit
  2. Copy of utility bill to confirm account number and service address. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost and rate related information. (Utility bill should be from within the last three months.)
  3. W-9 tax form for the incentive payee
woman working online

What Happens Next? 

The program administrator will notify the applicant via email when the review is complete. Upon receipt of a Program pre-approval letter, participants may sign a contract with the audit service provider.

Once the audit is complete, the following final documentation should be submitted to the program administrator for review:

  1. Copy of the completed audit report as described in the Completed Energy Audit Format section below.
  2. Completed letter of attestation.
  3. Final invoice for the energy audit
  4. Measures that will be implemented from the audit report

Upon receipt and verification of all required documentation, the incentive check will be processed and mailed to the applicant or to an authorized representative.

For more detailed, step-by-step information, please visit the Apply Now page. Or contact us at 844-323-6399 or CIFirstEnergyPA@franklinenergy.com.

Have questions or want to learn more?

Please contact us at 844-323-6399 or CIFirstEnergyPA@franklinenergy.com. We're here to help!

Franklin Energy is the designated program implementer for commercial and industrial energy efficiency programs for FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania electric companies. This website is maintained by Franklin Energy.

The costs of energy efficiency programs are recovered through customer rates in accordance with PA Act 129 of 2008. For a complete list of commercial, industrial, residential, and low-income energy efficiency programs, please visit energysavePA.com.

By participating in these energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs, customers agree to allow their utility to retain ownership of all Capacity Rights which refers to the demand reduction associated with any energy efficiency and peak demand reduction measure for which incentives were provided by the Company. Your utility will aggregate these energy efficiency demand reduction attributes into the PJM capacity market with proceeds being used to offset the program costs. PA customers who have existing contracts with third party demand response service providers that were executed before June 1, 2021 (i.e., the start of Phase IV of Act 129 EE&C), have the option of retaining the PJM capacity rights associated with EE&C projects when participating in FirstEnergy PA Act 129 energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs.

Phone: 844-323-6399                                    Email: CIFirstEnergyPA@franklinenergy.com